Developing Car Professionals
The Company Group, in order to provide customers with the best advice to help them get greater enjoyment and convenience from their cars, devotes a great deal of effort to developing personnel with expert knowledge and skills. By providing a friendly working environment and helping individual employees develop their careers, we are honoring our responsibilities as an employer in local communities.
Education and Training for Store Staff
Detailed Job-Level Training to Enhance Knowledge and Skills
The Company has developed an education and training system that is organized by job-level and covers over 30 topics, mainly for store employees. In group training (conducted a total of 337 times as of March 31, 2016), we set high expectations for employees. By linking performance evaluations to the Company Group internal qualifications, we are enhancing staff knowledge and skills, as well as boosting motivation, and improving service quality. We also devote significant effort to training to help mechanics and inspectors gain national qualifications, and are seeing a steady rise in employees who have.
Status regarding Acquisition of Primary Professional Qualifications
Qualifications | Description | Certified Employees | Vs. Previous Fiscal Year |
Company Group Internal Qualifications | |||
Car Life Advisor | Employees studying for this qualification gain knowledge of key items and services and how to interact with customers. Study is via e-learning. (10 Level-2 courses, 5 Level-1 courses, and final examination) | 18,574* | -574 |
Merchandise Specialist | Employees studying for this qualification gain expert knowledge for recommending optimal merchandise, and acquire customer interaction skills. Enhanced training and a certification examination are conducted for those with Car Life Advisor qualifications. Six courses of study are available, depending on merchandise group. | 6,038* | -159 |
Mechanic | Employees studying for this qualification gain knowledge and skills necessary for working in a service bay. Training is performed via e-learning, video instruction, practical instruction, and group training, with a final examination. Four classes are available depending on career path. | 13,469* | -493 |
National | |||
Automobile Mechanic | A national qualification gained based on practical experience and the passing of academic and practical skill examinations. | 3,781 | +1 |
Automobile Inspector | Qualification earned by fulfilling requirements such as attending classes overseen by the Director of the District Transport Bureau and passing a final examination. | 1,524 | +70 |
*Numbers of “Certified Employees” are totals for the entire AUTOBACS chain (as of March 31, 2016).
Results of Principal Company Group Training Activities
Training | Description | Training Participants |
Seminar on Strengthening Store Strategy Management Capabilities | Focuses on strengthening strategy management capabilities at the individual-store level by having store managers learn store management principles for achieving continuous increases in business performance. | 1,207 |
Store Management Cycle Seminar | Enables participants to practice the management cycle (PDCA) with the aim of achieving greater business results. Aims to help participants gain insight for successfully applying the management cycle. | 448 |
Operation Seminar | Aims to further strengthen customer contact points, and increase store efficiency, through the introduction of counter operation procedures. | 551 |
Customer Interaction Training | Takes all store staff from simply understanding the basics of interacting with customers in various situations, to actually being able to practice this understanding. | 8,998 |
C@RS Basic Seminar | Targets AUTOBACS C@RS staff for education on the automobile industry and the basics of the AUTOBACS C@RS concept. Aims to enhance product C@RS Basic Seminar knowledge necessary for dealing in used cars. | 3,428 |
Car Purchasing Training | Imparts understanding and operation know-how regarding the C@RS system and “Satei Dr.” Provides participants with basic knowledge needed for evaluating cars based on their repair histories. | 2,852 |
Automobile Safety Inspection Training | Training in the basics of customer reception, returning inspected cars to customers, and other functions for statutory safety inspections. | 172 |
Career Development Support
Various Support Systems to Help Employees Build Their Careers by Themselves
Career Development System
To have all employees accumulate knowledge and experience, develop an understanding of various work settings, and deepen their knowledge of the Company, we implement job rotations every few years. When individual employees identify their preferences and aptitudes, and take the lead in broadening and deepening their careers, the entire organization is invigorated. The Company conducts career-design training for mid-level employees to encourage them to keep their future careers in mind as they go about their daily work and develop as professionals.
Cafeteria Plan
In addition to training that targets specific career levels, we have created a “Cafeteria Plan” under which employees can participate in correspondence courses or public seminars offered by outside education organizations, and receive support for obtaining national qualifications. The Cafeteria Plan helps employees take the lead in developing their own careers. We provide up to ¥100,000 of financial support per year that employees can use to take any of around 160 courses. To date, 1,679 employees have made use of this system.
Creating Friendly Work Environments
Promoting Working Environments that Are Safe and Healthy for Individuals
Worker Safety and Health
The Company Group believes the health of employees is critical for its own continuous growth and works to promote good health for employees. We have, for example, established the AUTOBACS Osaka Health Center, where we hold health management training. This training is mandatory for employees who have received a diagnosis of a lifestyle-related or other disease in a regular physical examination and been instructed to participate by a physician. Initiatives such as these led the Development Bank of Japan to award the Company an “A,” the highest level on the “employee’s health management rating” it uses to set financing terms. To maintain or improve working environments, we also stress in store-manager training the importance of maintaining safety in stores and preventing employees from working an excess number of hours.

management rating

Mental Health Care
Mental health checks are conducted by outside specialists for all employees, and there is a system employees can use to consult with outside cooperating institutions if they feel the need to.
Company Visits for Employees’ Children
Employees are allowed to bring their children to work to let them see their parents in the workplace. We do this to help children better understand their parents by coming to know a side of them they do not see at home. Bringing children to a workplace also gives them a chance to begin developing a sense of what it means to work. This is part of our effort to provide comfortable work environments where employees can fully exercise their capabilities and achieve harmony between their work and private lives.
Internal Reporting System
The Company Group has implemented the “Orange Hotline,” an internal reporting system to prevent and swiftly address misconduct or unethical actions by executives or employees of the AUTOBACS chain. Internal and external contact points are available for people wanting to use the system.
Advancing the Careers of Women
Valuing Diversity and Creating Working Environments where Women Can Thrive
Expanding the Support System
The Company is enhancing its system for supporting employees raising small children. Examples of its features include childcare leave that can be extended to cover the first 18 months following the birth of a child, the option to work shorter hours up through the end of the fiscal year in which the child turns12 years of age, orientation for employees returning to work following childcare leave, and paid half-days off. To date, 100% of company employees who have taken childcare leave have returned to work, and, as of March 31, 2016, eight employees have used our childcare support system. Going forward, we plan to encourage male employees to take time off for childcare and will do even more to create working environments that are attractive for women.
Support for Female Employees
In creating environments in which female employees can thrive in their careers, we realized it was important to listen directly to the opinions of employees, so we held a workshop to explore what makes work worthwhile for women. Twenty-one female employees participated in the workshop, discussing and giving presentations on factors that encourage women to remain in a workplace, keys to making work worthwhile, and steps that could be taken to advance women’s careers.

“Companies Where Women Thrive are Companies Where Everyone Thrives”
The Company allows employees to work shortened workdays through the end of the fiscal year in which their child turns age 12, much longer than the norm. We are also moving forward with a women’s career support project and other initiatives to help create a workplace in which women can thrive. In light of recent conditions concerning daycare services, we have also introduced a system that allows a parent to take time off during the period their child is learning to adapt to daycare. As a result of measures such as these, we have seen 100% of new mothers, since July 2006, return to work after taking maternity or childcare leave. Based on the idea that “companies where women thrive are companies where everyone thrives,” we are developing systems that provide women, in particular, with support that gives them career flexibility to adapt to marriage, childbirth, child rearing, and other major life events and stages. Our intent is to create a vibrant workplace by providing individual employees with ongoing career support.
Human Resources Strategy Group, Human Resources Department Kumiko Sakata