Business Foundations

Reinforcing and Expanding Our Ability to Increase Corporate Value

The Company Group continuously strives to strengthen its business at a fundamental level to achieve ongoing increases in corporate value. In this section, we discuss initiatives in four areas the Company Group views as high priorities. These include Supporting Franchisees, human resource development, environmentally friendly management, and social contributions.

Key Themes

Supporting Franchisees

Helping Partners Grow

  • Multifaceted Store Management Support
  • Support for Hiring and Training Human Resources
Human Resource Development

Developing Car Professionals

  • Education and Training for Store Staff
  • Career Development Support
  • Creation of Friendly Work Environments
  • Advancing the Careers of Women
Environmentally Conscious Management

Creating a Society in which People and Cars are in Harmony with the Environment

  • Promoting Energy Saving and Cutting Greenhouse Gases
  • Resource-Saving Initiatives
Social Contributions

Moving Forward Together with Local Communities

  • Contributing to Local Communities
  • Contributing to Car Culture
  • Other Contributions