From an Automotive Goods Retailer to the
Go-To Place for Everything Related to Cars
AUTOBACS was established in 1974 as Japan’s first retailer specializing in automotive goods. Japan, as a motorized society, continued to change with the times, and so did AUTOBACS, updating and modifying its business format, and offerings of goods and services, while steadily enlarging its operations. Introducing private-brand (PB) tires and oil in 1977, and following up with other unique product offerings and services to respond to diversifying customer preferences and needs, AUTOBACS is now the leading specialty retailer of automotive goods and services in Japan.
AUTOBACS will continue to grow by maintaining its focus on customers and society, and offering goods and services that enable customers now and in the future to get the greatest enjoyment from their cars.
AUTOBACS was established in 1974, following Japan’s period of rapid economic development and at a time of growing consumer interest in personal car ownership. The retail distribution of automotive goods had yet to consolidate, and consumers had to go to a different source for nearly every item they wanted to purchase for their cars. AUTOBACS provided a one-stop solution for purchasing and installing automotive products and met with strong consumer support. Franchising was adopted to spur nationwide development of the business and the Company moved quickly to broaden its product offerings by developing PB merchandise.
With the proliferation of personal car ownership came demand for ways to individualize cars and, as a result, expansion of the market for automotive goods. AUTOBACS responded by enhancing and enlarging its merchandise offerings, and taking innovative steps such as organizing product displays, and making product suggestions, based on lifestyle to more precisely respond to diversifying consumer preferences. In 1989, total sales for the AUTOBACS retail chain surpassed the ¥100 billion mark, and the company became the industry’s first to complete an initial public offering.
With the transition to supersized retail stores in general, AUTOBACS created Super AUTOBACS megastores for automotive goods and services. Offering expansive retail spaces, service pits for product installation and maintenance work, CDs, and even a place to get a bite, Super AUTOBACS Stores were also developed to feature a wide variety of events and serve the needs of everyone from first-time car owners to families, and car enthusiasts. At the same time, AUTOBACS mounted a full-scale entry into the provision of statutory safety inspection services, thereby expanding its ability to serve the needs of car owners.
Automotive needs have changed over the years, with developments such as the growing popularity of environmentally friendly vehicles, owners keeping their cars for longer periods of time, and more and more people continuing to drive well into their later years. Aiming to help drivers of all descriptions continue to drive safely, AUTOBACS is enhancing its statutory safety inspections and maintenance services. Through these services and its automobile purchase and sales, and automotive goods, businesses comprising three core operations, AUTOBACS continues to move forward with the transition to a business format that aims to provide comprehensive support for customers’ automotive needs.