Creating a Society in which People and Cars are in Harmony
with the Environment
As a company involved in a business related to cars, we continuously work to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities and, through the merchandise and services we offer, contribute to the development of a sustainable society in which cars are an important element.
AUTOBACS SEVEN Environmental Policy
AUTOBACS SEVEN is committed to activities with considerations to environmental conservation in carrying out its business activities on sales of automotive related goods, statutory safety inspections and maintenance, and car sales.
- The Company will grasp the environment impacts of its business activities to determine the objectives, targets and plans
for continuous improvement of environmental conservation activities. - The Company will comply with laws, regulations and other requirements pertaining to the environment.
- The Company will put priority particularly on the following actions to reduce the relevant environmental impacts among those arising from its business activities.
(1) Promotion of energy saving practices and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
(2) Reduction of waste emissions and promotion of 3R activities
(3) Purchases of environmentally friendly items
(4) Development of environmentally-friendly goods and services and sales promotion of such merchandise and services at stores - The Company will endeavor to prevent environmental pollution.
- The Company will give education to and raise awareness among all its personnel so that they will proactively address the environmental and social issues in an attempt to build a sustainable society with harmony between people and cars.
Promoting Environmental Protection Activities and Employee
Environmental Awareness
Making societies in which cars are an important element more vibrant through its business activities is the mission of AUTOBACS SEVEN. And because we are a company whose business involves cars, it is particularly important that we take initiatives to protect the environment.
The Company undertakes environmental protection activities in line with its environmental policy. To raise environmental awareness among our employees, we provide them with cards that have our environmental policy written on them and on which they are asked to write what they will do for the environment. In addition, the Company Group undertakes initiatives such as cleanup activities in the areas surrounding its business locations and efforts to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags.
Junji Iwashita General Manager, General Affairs and Internal Control Department
Environmental Protection Targets and Results
Area | FY March 2015 Target |
Results of Primary Initiatives for FY March 2014 |
Plans for FY March 2016 |
Expanded introduction of the environmental management system |
Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification at the Western Japan Logistics Center |
Certification acquired in November 2014 Acquisition of additional certifications completed |
- | |
Pursuit of energy |
Reduction of electricity |
5% reduction vs. |
7.2% reduction vs. |
2% reduction vs. |
Reduction of gasoline |
5% improvement vs. |
9% improvement vs. |
3% improvement vs. Switch to fuel-efficient vehicles |
Resource-saving Initiatives |
Reduction of waste | All locations: 1% reduction vs. FY March 2014 |
33% reduction vs. FY March 2014 |
1% reduction vs. FY March 2015 |
Reduction of copy paper usage |
2% reduction vs. FY March 2014 (Excluding some locations) |
3.2% reduction vs. FY March 2014 |
2% reduction vs. FY March 2015 |
Reduction of cardboard usage |
Western Japan Logistics Center: 29% reduction
vs. FY March 2012 |
70% reduction vs. FY March 2012 |
Continuation of initiatives | |
Procurement of environmentally friendly products |
Procurement of green office products |
Achieve a green procurement ratio of 75% or higher |
94.3% Green procurement ratio of 94.3% | Continuation of initiatives |
Environmental communication |
Environmental education for employees, and publicizing of activity programs |
Continuation of initiatives | Conducting annual environmental self-awareness education and regularly distributing environmental enlightenment information | Continuation of initiatives |
Contribution to local beautification |
Neighborhood clean-ups | All locations: Participation by all company employees | Participation by all company employees | Participation by all company employees |
Promoting Energy Saving and Cutting Greenhouse Gases
Formulating Energy-Saving Measures and Cutting CO2
Company Initiatives
For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, the Company's electricity consumption* declined by 5.6% year on year, to 7,097 MWh, and total CO2 emissions* fell by 5.9%, to 4,503t. The Company Group has formulated energy-saving measures to be implemented over the coming 2-3 years. The programs we are implementing as a result include, for example, a commitment to “no overtime days” enabled by operational improvements and efficiencies.
Initiatives at AUTOBACS Stores
Setting the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 30% at existing stores of the same size, the Company installed energy-saving air conditioning systems, LED lighting, solar panels, and rooftop greenery at two test stores in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011. Using the results of these tests, we are now considering installation of these technologies at new and existing stores.

Yamato Koriyama store

Yamato Koriyama store
Resource-Saving Initiatives
Practicing the 3Rs for Effective Use of Limited Resources
Reducing the Use of Containers and Packaging
During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, the Company Group reduced its use of shopping bags and other types of containers and packaging by 8.6% year on year, to 262.4t. Reduction in the use of shopping bags was accomplished in part by asking customers for their understanding and cooperation in using fewer bags. In addition, for AUTOBACS private brand items, we are gradually transitioning to packaging materials that weigh less or use more environmentally friendly materials.
Distribution Initiatives
When speed is not a factor, we choose to move products by rail, which entails relatively low CO2 emissions, rather than by truck. In addition, we employ reusable collapsible containers in various sizes to distribute products to stores. Doing this reduces the amount of cardboard that must be discarded.

Using Fewer Resources for Shipping by Employing Collapsible Containers
For the paper, plastic, and other types of general waste emanating from our stores and offices, we constantly remind employees to properly separate waste and strive to generate less waste. And for the waste resulting from the replacement work performed in our service pits, we commission licensed industrial waste management subcontractors to properly dispose of and recycle these materials. At the same time, we use our own systems to ensure proper waste processing by confirming that all waste is being handled in compliance with the law.
Waste Recycling Initiatives
1. Waste Tires
Special contractors shred the tires, which are mainly used for fuel at cement and paper plants, with some of the material also used in cement.
2. Waste Oil
Specialist contractors refine and recycle the oil, which is used mainly as boiler fuel.
3. Waste Batteries
Specialist contractors recycle the lead and plastics to create new batteries.
Promoting Reuse through Our Operations
At AUTOBACS Secohan Ichiba, we promote reuse by purchasing cars and parts from customers and selling them through our stores as used cars and used parts.