AUTOBACS SEVEN Annual Report 2014

Feature: To be Infrastructure for a Society where Cars Play Important Roles

Greater Availability, Enjoyment, and Convenience for Customers Eyes firmly fixed on the changing roles of cars in society,and working to firmly root ourselves in local communities

As the roles cars play in society change, AUTOBACS continues to create stores that are always close at hand, and offer one-stop solutions to all car-related needs — stores that provide customers with convenience, reliability, and enjoyment.

In addition, as an employer in local communities, we devote significant resources to personnel development and, through environmental consciousness and activities that contribute to local communities, strive to be a company that is supported and trusted as infrastructure for a society in which cars play important roles.

Contributing to Society as Member of Local Communities

AUTOBACS expands and improves the functions of its stores, so they can be trusted infrastructure for local residents. As a company that shares local community desires that cars be used properly, we also contribute to safety and security in the daily lives of local residents.

Contributing to Local Communities through Our Stores

To be Infrastructure in Support of Local Residents

Installing EV Charging Stands

Electric vehicles (EVs), which do not emit CO2, are expected to play a significant role in fighting global warming. The AUTOBACS Group, therefore, is moving forward with the installation of EV charging stands in its store parking lots as a convenience for customers who visit our stores in an EV or plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHV), and to promote the use of these vehicles. As of March 31, 2014, charging stands had been installed at 72 AUTOBACS stores.

Charging stand for EVs and PHVs

Charging stand for EVs and PHVs

Assisting People Stranded in a Disaster

The AUTOBACS Group, at stores where it is practical to do so, has entered into agreements with local governments to assist people who become stranded in a disaster. Under these agreements, stores will provide people taking shelter at their locations with access to water and toilet facilities, and will use maps, radios, and other means to provide information on road conditions. As of March 31, 2014, 78 stores in eight prefectures were ready to provide the assistance mentioned above.

Sticker displayed at store entrances to let customers know the store will help them in times of disaster

Sticker displayed at store entrances to let customers know the store will help them in times of disaster

Miki Megasolar Power Plant Established

During the fiscal year just ended, AUTOBACS installed solar panels on a portion of dormant property at the site of its Western Japan Logistics Center and on some of the roof space of the center itself, and began selling the electricity generated. This is one example of how we effectively use our assets to promote the adoption of renewable energy.

Solar panels at the Western Japan Logistics Center

Solar panels at the Western Japan Logistics Center

Contributions to Local Communities

Pursuing Activities Rooted in Local Areas

In 2005, we began conducting cleanup activities in the area surrounding our headquarters, and, in the fiscal year ended March 2010, we instituted AUTOBACS Day — one day each week when the employees of each store clean the area around the store before opening time. On another front, we use our ARTA Project, for promoting motor sports, as the context for the “Yume wo Kanaeru” (Make Your Dreams Come True) extracurricular programs we hold for elementary and junior high school students. These are only a couple examples of locally based, locally oriented activities we are pursuing with the unique qualities of AUTOBACS.

Cleanup activity

Cleanup activity

Extracurricular program at an elementary school

Extracurricular program at an elementary school

Executive Officer in Charge

Yugo Horii Officer, Internal Control and Legal

The AUTOBACS Group, as a business that functions as infrastructure for car-related needs, is constantly striving to be a good partner for, and earn the support of, customers, local residents, and society as a whole. In our core AUTOBACS business, in particular, we actively participate in local cleanup activities and area events through our stores.

To help make daily life safer and more secure for local residents, we aim to promote the coexistence of AUTOBACS stores and local communities through initiatives in areas such as disaster planning and traffic safety.

Yugo Horii

Social Contribution Activities

Communicating the Essential Fun of Cars to as Many People as Possible and Fostering Fans is Another of Our Missions

The AUTOBACS Group, through a wide range of activities that communicate the fun and joy to be gained from cars to a broad cross-section of society — children in particular — is fostering car fans and contributing to the development of car culture.

Support for Motor Sports

Using the Excitement and Passion of Racing to Increase the Number of People Who Love Cars

To help invigorate motor sports as a whole, AUTOBACS co-sponsors the SUPER GT series, Japan’s most popular car races. In addition, since the establishment of the ARTA Project (AUTOBACS RACINGTEAM AGURI) in 1998, we have been pursuing activities on multiple fronts, such as discovering and developing Japanese drivers into world-class competitors and participating in domestic and overseas races, to use the passion of racing to create new fans.

Team and fans sharing the passion of racing

Team and fans sharing the passion of racing

Pavilion at KidZania

Helping to Foster the Next Generation of Car Fans by Communicating to Children the Joy of Working with Cars

AUTOBACS created the Car Life Support Center pavilions at the KidZania Tokyo and Kidzania Koshien occupational theme parks for children. The purpose of these pavilions is to let children know the joy of working with cars, promote their understanding of safety and how cars function, and contribute to the future safety of a society heavily reliant on cars.

Service bay mockup where children can try their hands at changing a tire and other simulated car maintenance tasks

Service bay mockup where children can try their hands at changing a tire and other simulated car maintenance tasks

Participation in the Marunouchi Kids Jamboree

Communicating the Joy of Driving to Future Drivers

AUTOBACS participates in the Marunouchi Kids Jamboree sponsored by the Tokyo International Forum for children on summer vacation. At the 2013 event, which drew 300,000 visitors, we communicated the joy of driving through a race car exhibit and go-kart attraction for children and parents.

Go-kart-driving attraction

Go-kart-driving attraction

Race car exhibit

Race car exhibit

Mt. Fuji Cleanup

Ongoing Volunteer Cleanup of Areas Blighted by Tires and Other Illegally Dumped Items

Every autumn, since 2002, the AUTOBACS Group has carried out a volunteer cleanup activity in the area around the Aokigahara Forest at the base of Mt. Fuji. In carrying out the cleanup, volunteers, including participants from franchisees, collect illegally dumped items. That these include items such as tires and car batteries is an important aspect of this activity.

Cleanup activity at the base of Mt. Fuji

Cleanup activity at the base of Mt. Fuji