AUTOBACS SEVEN Annual Report 2014


Aiming to be a Corporate Group that Makes Car Societies Better

AUTOBACS SEVEN operates the AUTOBACS Chain, Japan’s largest network of stores specializing in car goods, maintenance services and automobiles. By always taking the customer’s perspective, and offering valuable merchandise and services, we have established ourselves as the country’s leading retailer of car goods.

Looking to the future, we will continue to pursue business activities that respect our relationships with all of our stakeholders, so that AUTOBACS SEVEN remains a company that helps customers get greater enjoyment and convenience from their automobiles and is a valuable member of society. We believe that doing this will allow us to achieve sustainable growth and increase the corporate value of the entire AUTOBACS Group.

Total Support for All Stages of Car Ownership Making the most of our strengths as the industry leader, we aim to be a valued part of the car society going forward.
AUTOBACS offers customer convenience and reliability by being the one-stop solution for every automobile-related need from purchasing a vehicle, to getting the right merchandise, having cars inspected and maintained, and then finding a next vehicle. Making the most of our brand, store network, merchandise selection and people, our aim is to gain 100% customer support for our slogan “Anything about cars, you find at AUTOBACS.”

AUTOBACS Supports Every Stage of the Customer’s Car Ownership

The primary sales channels for car goods and services include specialty stores, car dealers, gas stations, tire shops, and home improvement centers. In recent years, sales of services and merchandise by competitors outside the industry have increased, and the numbers of gas stations and small and medium channels have declined.

Top-Level National Store Network: With 571 stores, we’re always close to our customers.

With a store network that covers every one of Japan’s prefectures, one of AUTOBACS’ strengths is the convenience of being accessible to customers whenever they need us. Adding to our standard stores and Super AUTOBACS stores serving larger areas, we have been opening compact stores over the past several years to serve smaller areas. Combining the strengths of all three types of stores, we support our customers with superior service.

Wide-Ranging Merchandise Selection and Services: With merchandise offerings of 10,000 – 30,000 items and services, we help customers get more enjoyment from their cars, with greater convenience.

The overwhelming coverage of our merchandise offerings is one of our strengths. AUTOBACS carries everything from the most familiar name-brand merchandise, to innovative items aimed at maximizing the enjoyment of cars in unexpected but extremely useful ways, and a vast array of private brand merchandise. A full range of inspection and maintenance services is another defining feature of AUTOBACS stores.

Plenty of Car Experts on Staff: Approximately 3,700 nationally licensed mechanics and other car experts deliver safety and reliability.

AUTOBACS employs approximately 3,700 mechanics, safety inspectors, and others who have passed national certification examinations and are ready to provide customers with expert advice. We also have our own internal systems for certifying that employees have attained certain levels knowledge regarding, for example, merchandise and basic automobile maintenance. These employees, as well, contribute to greater customer trust and satisfaction.