Financial Information

Higher operating income recorded on gross margin and other improvements, despite lower sales caused by a record-breaking warm winter and other factors

The Company Group finished the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 with net sales of ¥208.1 billion, down 0.6% year on year, due to a decline in domestic new-car sales and a record-breaking warm winter.
On the earnings front, an improved gross margin made it possible to keep gross profit at about the same level of the year earlier. A year- on-year decline of ¥200 million, or 0.4%, in SG&A expenses, therefore, helped to boost operating income 4.6% to ¥6.7 billion. However, with an extraordinary loss of ¥580 million related to domestic subsidiary stores, profit attributable to owners of parent declined 5.2% to ¥4.3 billion.

Net Sales
Operating Income/Operating Income Margin
Net Income/Return on Equity

Highlights of Financial Results

AUTOBACS SEVEN Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries
Fiscal year ended on March 31 for each displayed year

Millions of yen


Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 1)

2013 2014 2015 2016   2016

Fiscal Year:

Net sales ¥230,168 ¥231,697 ¥209,455 ¥208,142   $1,841,965
Wholesale 131,859 132,733 124,279 117,848   1,042,903
Retail 94,770 95,540 82,039 87,310   772,655
Others 3,539 3,422 3,136 2,984   26,407
Operating income 12,745 13,945 6,404 6,701   59,301
Income before income taxes and minority interests 13,915 16,086 9,053 7,558   66,885
Profit attributable to owners of parent 7,590 9,786 4,610 4,371   38,681
Net cash provided by operating activities 10,741 12,072 11,829 10,564   93,487
Net cash used in investing activities (4,522) 1,519 (2,403) (4,984)   (44,106)
Net cash used in financing activities (14,861) (11,166) (12,618) (11,154)   (98,708)
Free cash flows 6,219 13,591 9,426 5,580   49,381
Capital expenditures 6,249 4,820 6,127 5,895   52,168
Depreciation and amortization 5,194 4,551 4,805 4,012   35,504
At Year-End:            
Total assets ¥205,527 ¥201,481 ¥186,532 ¥180,454   $1,596,938
Equity 142,862 143,979 138,338 131,455   1,163,319
Interest-bearing liabilities 8,342 6,771 6,860 6,296   55,717
Per Share Data (Yen and Dallors (Note1)):            
Basic net income (Note 2) ¥81.22 ¥107.71 ¥52.83 ¥51.60   $0.46
Cash dividends (Note 2) 52.00 64.00 60.00 60.00   0.53
Dividend payout ratio (%) 64.0 59.4 113.6 116.3  
Dividend on equity (DOE) (%) 3.4 4.1 3.7 3.8  
Total shareholder return ratio (%) 158.2 105.8 222.2 235.4  
Management Indicators:            
Operating income margin (%) 5.5 6.0 3.1 3.2    
Return on equity (%) 5.3 6.8 3.3 3.2    
Return on assets (%) 3.6 4.8 2.5 2.4    
Equity ratio (%) 69.5 71.5 74.3 72.8    
Non-Financial Data:            
Number of domestic stores 552 571 584 599    
Domestic stores operated by franchisees 396 415 423 433    
Number of overseas stores 27 27 27 33    
Overseas stores operated by franchisees 9 10 10 12    
Active Members (1,000) (Note 3) 6,721 6,954 8,587 8,541    
Number of employees 4,678 4,466 4,263 4,347    
Number of automobile mechanics (Note 4) 3,394 3,653 3,780 3,781    
Number of directors (of which, outside directors) 8(3) 8(3) 8(3) 8(3)    
Number of auditors (of which, outside auditors) 4(3) 4(3) 4(3) 4(3)    
Electricity usage (MW) (Note 5) 10,646 7,515 7,097 6,810    
CO2 emissions (t-CO2) (Note 5) 6,021 4,787 4,503 4,060    
  • (Notes)
  • 1. U.S. dollar amounts are converted at a rate of ¥113=US$1, which prevailed on March 31, 2016.
  • 2. A 3-for-1 stock split was implemented on April 1, 2013. Figures predating this stock split have been adjusted to reflect its impacts.
  • 3. Beginning with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, “active members” is defined as the number of customers who made a purchase within the past year.
  • 4. All chain employees who have obtained the Automobile Mechanic (Level 1, 2, or 3) national qualification.
  • 5. Total for AUTOBACS SEVEN Co., Ltd.'s headquarters, regional business locations, directly managed stores, and logistics centers. (Does not include subsidiaries)