
Directors and Officers: Introduction and Messages

  • Setsuo Wakuda
    Setsuo Wakuda
    Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Chain Officer

    For the past two years as an Outside Director, I have endeavored to provide appropriate advice based on our past experience as to the implementation of business strategies for enhancing the corporate value of the Company and risk management and human resources development for reinforcing the Company's business foundations.

    While continuing to perform the aforementioned duties in the fiscal term ending March 31, 2014, I will participate in the discussions for setting out a medium-term business plan for the period beginning in the next fiscal term to provide opinions on growth strategies and capital policies of the Company from the perspective of shareholder value to help create a business plan that satisfies all stakeholders.

  • Yasuhiro Tsunemori
    Yasuhiro Tsunemori
    Director, Vice Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chief Chain Officer

    In the fiscal term ending March 31, 2014, which is the final year of the AUTOBACS 2010 Medium-Term Business Plan, I will focus on reinforcing the organizational structure and human resources to address changing market environments and automotive innovations on a continual basis. Also, through focused efforts to ensure customer-oriented management to win the trust and patronage of our customers as expressed in the Group's vision, "Anything about cars, you find at AUTOBACS," I will commit myself not only to current business performance but also to ensuring the sustainable growth of the Company for the years ahead and enhancement of its corporate value.

  • Hironori Morimoto
    Hironori Morimoto
    Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Administration and Finance & Accounting

    Toward the targets set forth in the AUTOBACS 2010 Medium-Term Business Plan, I have engaged in efforts to attain the trust of our customers as expressed in the Group's vision, "Anything about cars, you find at AUTOBACS," thereby enhancing the value for our customers.

    I will continue to engage in accommodating rapidly changing business environments in a swift and flexible manner, accelerating business growth by identifying emerging business opportunities, ensuring the best possible allocation of management resources to solidify the Group's business foundations and enhancing the corporate value.

  • Tatsuya Tamura
    Tatsuya Tamura
    (Outside, Independent)

    The automobile after-sales service market is undergoing several major structural changes, against the backdrop of declining car use, emergence of electric and hybrid vehicles, and other factors. The Company must respond flexibly and promptly to those structural changes, while aggressively exploring new business opportunities that might arise in association with said markets. In the automobile after-sales markets especially of the growing Southeast Asian economies, you may find entirely new business opportunities not shared by the Japanese market, and therefore the Company should not fail to conduct up-front investment and market research on a continual basis.

    Valuing these perspectives, I would like to actively exchange opinions with the management team and executive officers as an Outside Director and Independent Officer. Through such active interactions, I hope to contribute to enhancing the common interests of the Company, employees, shareholders and franchisees.

  • Norio Hattori
    Norio Hattori
    (Outside, Independent)

    Today, the environment surrounding the automotive industry is undergoing a remarkable change, as we see the steady expansion of hybrid and electric vehicles and the accelerated utilization of information technology integrated with information and telecommunications devices, such as smartphones. In Asia, the remarkable economic growth of not only China but also the ASEAN countries is accelerating the spread of automobiles. Given this background, I will endeavor to obtain accurate information and analyze effectively for continued business expansion, while ensuring good corporate governance, thereby enhancing corporate value.

  • Teruyuki Matsumura
    Teruyuki Matsumura
    Director and Senior Executive Officer, Head of Marketing & Sales Strategy Planning

    For the past three years, I have engaged in efforts under the AUTOBACS 2010 Medium-Term Business Plan to open new stores, reform existing stores and enhance customer services to increase the convenience of our customers. During the fiscal term ending March 31, 2014, I will work to increase our market share and improve store profitability by creating reliable and enjoyable stores where customers can entrust us with their statutory safety inspections and a wide variety of maintenance services and feel the pleasure of driving experiences, as well as by completing the reforms at Super AUTOBACS stores, striving to ensure the Company's future growth and enhance its corporate value.

  • Kiomi Kobayashi
    Kiomi Kobayashi
    Director and Senior Executive Officer, Head of Sales Operation and Chain Store Planning

    For the three years since being inaugurated as Director, I have been committed to achieving the targets of the AUTOBACS 2010 Medium-Term Business Plan by working to enhance the conduct of store staff as well as the Group employees, and continuing store development efforts. By nurturing the store staff's ability to make consistent efforts to best serve customers even in a rapidly changing business environment and accelerating the development of stores that can flexibly accommodate changing customer needs, I will strive to reinforce individual store strength and increase market share, thereby enhancing the corporate value of the Company.

  • Noriaki Shimazaki
    Noriaki Shimazaki
    (Outside, Independent)

    For the past two years as an Outside Director, I have endeavored to provide appropriate advice based on our past experience as to the implementation of business strategies for enhancing the corporate value of the Company and risk management and human resources development for reinforcing the Company's business foundations.

    While continuing to perform the aforementioned duties in the fiscal term ending March 31, 2014, I will participate in the discussions for setting out a medium-term business plan for the period beginning in the next fiscal term to provide opinions on growth strategies and capital policies of the Company from the perspective of shareholder value to help create a business plan that satisfies all stakeholders.

  • Hidehiro Ide
    Hidehiro Ide
    Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Full-time)

    To date, I have overseen disclosure and budget control and financial strategies as a director, senior executive officer, and finance & accounting officer. I seek to leverage my finance and accounting experience in monitoring and verification roles to further enhance internal control systems in keeping with the requirements of the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

  • Toshiki Kiyohara
    Toshiki Kiyohara
    Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Full-time, Outside, Independent)

    There were several corporate scandals in Japan that became major social issues in the past two fiscal years. The resulting social pressures appear to have driven considerable changes in society's expectations of companies in terms of corporate governance.

    As an outside Audit and Supervisory Board member, I seek to draw on my diverse work experience in providing independent, neutral, and fair opinions to directors and officers while helping to qualitatively improve the Company's governance through auditing activities. At the same time, I will endeavor to enhance the Company's corporate value for all its stakeholders.

  • Tomoaki Ikenaga
    Tomoaki Ikenaga
    Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside, Independent)

    Companies are like living entities. They respond to the business environment, and change their management risk awareness and approaches to improving corporate value. Management today must be speedy because change is so drastic. So, if governance and internal controls fail to function, there is an increased risk that the Board of Directors will make irrational decisions in limited time. The task of a modern board of directors is to evaluate sufficient information from diverse angles and make swift and rational management decisions that help increase corporate value. As an attorney specializing in governance, I will continue to oversee whether management is fulfilling its roles, providing advice when necessary, and striving for development of the Company.

  • Yuji Sakakura
    Yuji Sakakura
    Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside, Independent)

    I have devoted two years as an outside Audit and Supervisory Board member to creating a corporate governance structure with a more neutral and independent auditing system.

    I will continue to draw on the knowledge and experience I accumulated through many years in the financial and capital markets to perform neutral, objective audits, thereby contributing to sound management of the Company.

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