Financial Information

Lower sales for the AUTOBACS chain as a whole and lower wholesale results from the effects of ongoing store inventory efficiency efforts led to lower sales and earnings.

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, the Company Group reported net sales of ¥204 billion, down 2.0% year on year. This decline occurred mainly because of lower net sales for the AUTOBACS chain as a whole, and because of the effects of ongoing franchisee inventory efficiency improvements and lower sales at AUTOBACS SEVEN, which wholesales merchandise to AUTOBACS chain stores. Turning to earnings, gross profit fell 1.2%, compared to the previous year, while gross margin rose 0.2 percentage points. Nevertheless, with SG&A expenses basically unchanged from the year earlier, operating income declined 13.0%, to ¥5.8 billion. After accounting for factors such as extraordinary losses of ¥2.6 billion, including fixed asset impairment losses on land and buildings related to facilities for the benefit of employees and related to stores, profit attributable to owners of parent declined 31.0%, to ¥3.0 billion.

Net Sales
Operating Income/Operating Income Margin
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent/Return on Equity

Highlights of Financial Results

AUTOBACS SEVEN Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Fiscal year ended on March 31 for each displayed year Millions of yen   Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 1)
2014 2015 2016 2017   2017
Fiscal Year:            
Net sales ¥231,697 ¥209,455 ¥208,142 ¥204,033   $1,821,723
Wholesale 132,733 124,279 117,848 115,637   1,032,473
Retail 95,540 82,039 87,310 85,566   763,982
Others 3,422 3,136 2,984 2,830   25,268
Operating income 13,945 6,404 6,701 5,829   52,045
Income before income taxes and minority interests 16,086 9,053 7,558 4,474   39,956
Profit attributable to owners of parent 9,786 4,610 4,371 3,015   26,929
Net cash provided by operating activities 12,072 11,829 10,564 9,488   84,714
Net cash used in investing activities 1,519 (2,403) (4,984) (7,147)   (63,821)
Net cash used in financing activities (11,166) (12,618) (11,154) (7,457)   (66,580)
Free cash flows 13,591 9,426 5,580 2,341   20,902
Capital expenditures 4,820 6,127 5,895 4,842   43,241
Depreciation and amortization 4,551 4,805 4,012 4,384   39,143
At Year-End:            
Total assets ¥201,481 ¥186,532 ¥180,454 ¥176,708   $1,577,750
Equity 143,979 138,338 131,455 127,079   1,134,634
Interest-bearing liabilities 6,771 6,860 6,296 8,282   73,946
Per Share Data (Yen and Dallors (Note1)):            
Basic net income ¥107.71 ¥52.83 ¥51.60 ¥36.00   $0.32
Cash dividends 64.00 60.00 60.00 60.00   0.54
Dividend payout ratio (%) 59.4 113.6 116.3 166.7  
Dividend on equity (DOE) (%) 4.1 3.7 3.8 3.9  
Total shareholder return ratio (%) 105.8 222.2 235.4 255.7  
Management Indicators:            
Operating income margin (%) 6.0 3.1 3.2 2.9    
Return on equity (%) 6.8 3.3 3.2 2.3    
Return on assets (%) 4.8 2.5 2.4 1.7    
Equity ratio (%) 71.5 74.3 72.8 71.9    
Non-Financial Data:            
Number of domestic stores 571 584 599 601    
Domestic stores operated by franchisees 415 423 433 444    
Number of overseas stores 27 27 33 38    
Overseas stores operated by franchisees 10 10 12 17    
Active Members (1,000) (Note 2) 6,954 8,587 8,541 8,301    
Number of employees 4,466 4,263 4,347 4,200    
Number of automobile mechanics (Note 3) 3,653 3,780 3,781 3,788    
Number of directors (of which, outside directors) 8(3) 8(3) 8(3) 8(3)    
Number of auditors (of which, outside auditors) 4(3) 4(3) 4(3) 4(3)    
Electricity usage (MW) (Note 4) 7,515 7,097 6,810 7,076    
CO2 emissions(t-CO2) (Note 4) 4,787 4,503 4,060 4,489    
  • (Notes)
  • 1. U.S. dollar amounts are converted at a rate of ¥112=US$1, which prevailed on March 31, 2017.
  • 2. Beginning with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, “active members” is defined as the number of customers who made a purchase within the past year.
  • 3. All chain employees who have obtained the Automobile Mechanic (Level 1, 2, or 3) national qualification.
  • 4. Total for AUTOBACS SEVEN Co., Ltd.'s headquarters, regional business locations, directly managed stores, and logistics centers. (Does not include subsidiaries)