the Company
Aiming to be a Corporate Group that Makes
Motorized Societies Better
AUTOBACS SEVEN operates the AUTOBACS chain of stores. In terms of both number of stores and market share, AUTOBACS is Japan’s largest specialty retailer of goods and services for cars. Aiming to remain a valuable member of society, AUTOBACS SEVEN strives to enhance corporate value for the entire Company Group, and achieve sustainable growth, by helping to bring about a more prosperous motorized society.
Social Value Created through Our Business
Helping People to Gain Greater Convenience, Peace of Mind, and Enjoyment from Their Cars
- We offer cars, car parts, and maintenance and other services responding to customers’ diverse lifestyles and values. We help individual customers gain greater enjoyment from their cars.
Development of Healthy Car Culture
- Through various types of events and other occasions, we actively work to make cars a more comfortable and fulfilling part of life and promote the healthy development of culture in which cars play a positive role.
Maintaining and Invigorating Local Communities
- Promoting the development of local communities that are considerate of all of their members, we proactively respond to social issues involving cars. In addition, we take actions to enhance our store functions in ways that allow us to play a positive role as an element of community infrastructure.
Benefiting the Environment
- Recognizing that business activities impact the environment, we work to ensure that waste is properly handled and disposed of and strive to lower the environmental impact of its distribution activities and stores. we also contribute to the development of a sustainable society by participating in cleanup and other volunteer activities.